"Subsidiarity" in the WTO context from a legal perspective
2000 |
Bourgeois, Jacques H. J. |
WTO dispute settlement : segregating the useful political aspects and avoiding "Over-Legalization"
2000 |
Davey, William J. |
Anti-competitive practices and the WTO : the elusive search for new world trade rules
2000 |
Bellis, Jean-François |
Mercosur's fragile dispute resolution system at work : first decision ever made by an "Arbitration Panel" in a dispute arising among sovereign parties
2000 |
Cárdenas, Emilio J. |
The product-process doctrine in GATT-WTO jurisprudence
2000 |
Hudec, Robert E. |
The World Trade Organization: a new constitution for the trading system
2000 |
Steger, Debra P. |
Distributed governance at the WTP-WIPO : an evolving model for open-architecture integrated governance
2000 |
Abbott, Frederick M. |
Economic sanctions and international security : the role of the European Court of Justice
2000 |
Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey |
Competition policy in a global economy : today and tomorrow
2000 |
Pitofsky, Robert |
Some reflections on the implementation of WTO rules in the European Community legal order
2000 |
Louis, Jean-Victor |
A "normal" business practice becomes a criminal offence
2000 |
Van den Bossche, Peter |
The WTO reference paper on telecommunications : a model for WTO competition law?
2000 |
Bronckers, Marco C. E. J. |
Reflections on democracy in the European Union
2000 |
Stein, Eric |
GATT Article XX and the WTO Appellate Body
2000 |
McRae, Donald M. |
Interpretations of international agreements by national courts : an EC view
2000 |
Lauwaars, Richard H. |
The relationship of WTO obligations to other international arrangements
2000 |
Tarullo, Daniel K. |
The remedy for breach of obligations under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding : damages or specific performance?
2000 |
Sykes, A. O. |
WTO dispute settlement and Japan
2000 |
Iwasawa, Yuji |
US States, sub-federal rules, and the world trading system
2000 |
Schaefer, Matthew |
Application of the Japanese Antimonopoly Law to international transactions
2000 |
Matsushita, Mitsuo |