The evolution of legal institutions and economic regime change
2000 |
Pistor, Katharina |
The labor market
2000 |
Lindbeck, Assar |
Poverty and inclusion from a world perspective
2000 |
Atkinson, Anthony B. |
Institutions and the workings of the labour market
2000 |
Nickell, Stephen J. |
Safety nets, savings and informal social security systems in crisis-prone economies
2000 |
Dercon, Stefan |
R&D in developing countries : what should governments do?
2000 |
Neary, J. Peter |
Independence and accountability of central banks
2000 |
De Grauwe, Paul |
Benefits and costs of EU enlargement : theoretical and practical considerations on trade-policy issues
2000 |
Inotai, András |
Some elementary principles of bankruptcy
2000 |
Stiglitz, Joseph E. |
Transition - the first ten years
2000 |
Flemming, John Stanton |
Global financial markets and financial stability : Europe's role
2000 |
Portes, Richard |
Global externalities, sovereign states
2000 |
Siniscalco, Domenico |
Cross-sectional wage and employment rigidities vs. aggregate employment
2000 |
Bertola, Giuseppe |
Patent protection vs. knowledge dissemination
2000 |
Aghion, Philippe |
Learning for the 21st century : opportunities and challenges
2000 |
Thomas, Vinod |
Separation of powers and development
2000 |
Laffont, Jean-Jacques |
Energy crisis vs. climate change : is there a lesson to be learned?
2000 |
Tahvonen, Olli |
Emissions trading in the Kyoto protocol : potential benefits and pitfalls
2000 |
Bohm, Peter |
Regional integration agreements : a force for converngence or divergence?
2000 |
Venables, Anthony |
Asymmetric regionalism in Sub-Saharan Africa : where do we stand?
2000 |
Cadot, Olivier |