Sustained growth in Haiti : pipe-dream or realistic possibility?
1999 |
Lundahl, Mats |
Mercosur's open regionalism and regulation : th erole of business actors : focusing on the petrochemicals and steel sectors
1999 |
Sanchez Bajo, Claudia |
Integración económica y crecimiento del comercio bilateral agroalimentario entre Venezuela y Colombia
1999 |
Gutiérrez A., Alejandro |
An analysis of Mexico-US intra-firm and intra-industry trade in automobiles
1999 |
Strömberg, Per |
Diversificatión y complementariedad en los intercambios exteriores de España : el Mercosur
1999 |
Artal Tur, Andrés |
Foreign direct investment in Brazil
1999 |
Lindholm, Martin |
Caribbean development : the premises of an emerging agenda
1998 |
Dookeran, Winston C. |
Global framework for policy reform : how do we use it to manage development
1998 |
Mottley, Wendell |
New implementation challenges : a flexible specialization paradigm
1998 |
Poon, Auliana |
Emerging economic issues in Latin America : a second generation agenda
1998 |
Holden, Paul |
Strategic planning of institutional reform : improving policy outcomes through more accountable structures
1998 |
Ascher, William |
Growth, savings and capital formation in a rapidly changing environment : challenges facing Caribbean policy makers
1998 |
Ramsaran, Ramesh F. |
Small economies : trade liberalization, trade preferences, and growth
1998 |
Michaely, Michael |
Which globalization? : Opening spaces for civic engagement
1998 |
Tewarie, Bhoendradatt |
Policy implementation : meeting the organizational challenge
1998 |
Reid, Gary J. |
Macroeconomic management : is it working?
1998 |
Meins, Bertus J. |
Demanding a supply of good government : a coalition for the reform of the state?
1998 |
Grindle, Merilee Serrill |
Strategies for poverty reduction in the Caribbean : how to be effective
1998 |
Duncan, Neville C. |
Missing elements in strategic policy making
1998 |
Goldsmith, Arthur Austin |
Open markets for increased Caribbean competitiveness
1998 |
Gersdorff, Hermann von |