Russian regionalism, policy-making and state development
2000 |
Sakwa, Richard |
The legal substructure of market reforms in Russia : achievements and deficiencies
2000 |
Trunk, Alexander |
Nothing learned, nothing forgotten : restructuring without reform in Russia's banking sector
2000 |
Tompson, William |
Minatom : the last Soviet industrial Ministry
2000 |
Cooper, Julian |
Structural change and distributional consequences in Russia's regional economies
2000 |
Sutherland, Douglas |
The moral embeddedness of the market : Conceptualising post-socialist transformations
2000 |
Tatur, Melanie |
The legal substructure of market reforms in Russia : Achievements and deficiencies
2000 |
Trunk, Alexander |
The evolution of new institutions in the small business sector
2000 |
Dolgopjatova, Tat'jana |
The politics of Russia's regions : A comparative perspective
2000 |
Gel'man, Vladimir Jakovlevič |
The oligarchs : a force to reckon with?
2000 |
Schröder, Hans-Henning |
Adjustment to change : The case of the oil and gas industry
2000 |
Krjukov, Valerij Anatol'evic |
Down, out and forever desperate? : The role of coal miners' protests in Russian politics
2000 |
Pleines, Heiko |
Structural change and distributional consequences in Russia's regional economies
2000 |
Sutherland, Douglas |
The subversion of democracy in Russia : An informal practice perspective
2000 |
Ledeneva, Alena V. |
Nothing learned, nothing forgotten : Restructuring without reform in Russia's banking sector
2000 |
Tompson, William |
Creating social capital in Russia : The "Novgorod model"
2000 |
Petro, Nikolaj N. |
Institutional legacy of the old regime as a constraint to reform : The case of fiscal policy
2000 |
Easter, Gerald M. |
Adjustment to change : the case of the oil and gas industry
2000 |
Krjukov, V. A. |
Down, out and forever desperate? : The role of coal miners' protests in Russian politics
2000 |
Pleines, Heiko |
The evolution of new institutions in the small business sector
2000 |
Dolgopjatova, Tatʹjana G. |