Ordinal potentials in smooth games
2020 |
Ewerhart, Christian |
The value of a draw
2020 |
Lasso de la Vega, Casilda |
Uniqueness of equilibrium in a Bewley-Aiyagari model
2020 |
Light, Bar |
Convergence, financial development, and policy analysis
2020 |
Lin, Justin Yifu |
Weak implementation
2020 |
Pram, Kym |
Purification and disambiguation of Ellsberg equilibria
2020 |
Decerf, Benoit |
Industrialization and the evolution of enforcement institutions
2020 |
Mukoyama, Toshihiko |
Rank-additive population ethics
2020 |
Pivato, Marcus |
Strategic experimentation with asymmetric players
2020 |
Das, Kaustav |
On the characterization of linear habit formation
2020 |
Tserenjigmid, Gerelt |
Moral hazard and compensation packages : does reshuffling matter?
2020 |
Fedele, Alessandro |
On endowments and indivisibility : partial ownership in the Shapley-Scarf model
2020 |
Harless, Patrick |
Ex ante heterogeneity in all-pay many-player auctions with Pareto distribution of costs
2020 |
Parreiras, Sérgio O. |
Optimal consumption with time-inconsistent preferences
2020 |
Liu, Liya |
The social value of information and the competition motive : price versus quantity games
2020 |
Cornand, Camille |
Entry and mergers in oligopoly with firm-specific network effects
2020 |
Gama, Adriana |
Aversion to risk of regret and preference for positively skewed risks
2020 |
Gollier, Christian |
Social preference under twofold uncertainty
2020 |
Mongin, Philippe |
Serial dictatorship mechanisms with reservation prices
2020 |
Klaus, Bettina |
Preferences with changing ambiguity aversion
2020 |
Xue, Jingyi |