Asset-liability optimization for pension fund management
2000 |
Pflug, Georg |
Support and implementation of the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution
2000 |
Haake, Claus-Jochen |
The timing of informational activities in decision and control problems
2000 |
Chwolka, Anne |
Cooperative procedures for multiple-issue negotiations
2000 |
Raith, Matthias |
A new model for planning complex assembly lines in support of efficient mass customization
2000 |
Bock, Stefan |
The impact of exchange rate changes on international pricing
2000 |
Löbler, Helge |
Total late work criteria for shop scheduling problems
2000 |
Project scheduling with discounted cash flows and general temporal constraints
2000 |
Zimmermann, Jürgen |
Approximation der risikoneutralen Verteilung : Methodenvergleich und Implementierung
2000 |
Schiefner, Lars |
Computergestützte Anfragebewertung im industriellen Anlagengeschäft
2000 |
Kulmann, Friedhelm |
Aggregation von drei Dimensionen des Downside-Risikos durch einen modifizierten Sen-Index
2000 |
Eggers, Frank |
Die Ermittlung von Value-at-Risk-Handelslimiten zur Kontrolle und Steuerung von Marktrisiken bei kontinuierlicher Überprüfung
2000 |
Locarek-Junge, Hermann |
CAPM und systematische bzw. unsystematisches Risiko unter Kurssprüngen
2000 |
Nietert, Bernhard |
A parallel B & B algorithm to optimize a combination of job tardiness and machine utilization in flexible flow lines
2000 |
Brockmann, Klaus |
Comparison of exchange rate forecasts by neural networks and by econometric methods
2000 |
Beinsen, Lutz |
Lower and upper bounds for the resource investment problem
2000 |
Drexl, Andreas |
Scheduling with deadlines and nested processing intervals for a single machine
2000 |
Gordon, Valerij Sergeevič |
Partition of the coefficient of determination in multiple regression
2000 |
Fickel, Norman |
Using the sieve bootstrap method in time series analysis
2000 |
Zagdański, Adam |
Process Flow Scheduling als ressourcenbeschränktes Projektplanungsproblem
2000 |
Trautmann, Norbert |