[Rezension von: Markets, information, and uncertainty, ed. by Graciela Chichilnisky]
2001 |
Sakai, Yasuhiro |
[Rezension von: Markets, information and uncertainty, G. Chichilnisky (ed.)]
2001 |
Herings, Peter Jean-Jacques |
Trade and welfare
1999 |
Cordella, Tito |
Redistribution by a representative democracy and distributive justice under uncertainty
1999 |
Coughlin, Peter J. |
A remark on incomplete market equilibrium
1999 |
Hahn, Frank |
Existence and optimality of a general equilibrium with endogenous uncertainty
1999 |
Chichilnisky, Graciela |
Price and market share dynamics in network industries
1999 |
Heal, Geoffrey |
Exchange in a network of trading posts
1999 |
Starr, Ross M. |
Toward a general theory of social overhead capital
1999 |
Uzawa, Hirofumi |
On population externalities and the social rate of discount
1999 |
Starrett, David A. |
Information and the organization of industry
1999 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph |
Catastrophe futures : financial markets for unknown risks
1999 |
Chichilnisky, Graciela |
Moral hazard and independent income in a modern intertemporal-equilibrium model of involuntary unemployment and mandatory retirement
1999 |
Phelps, Edmund S. |
Equilibrium market formation causes missing markets
1999 |
Heller, Walter P. |
History as a widespread externality in some Arrow-Debreu market games
1999 |
Hammond, Peter J. |
Equilibrium in an economy with information goods
1999 |
Danilov, Vladimir I. |
The formulation of uncertainty : prices and states
1999 |
Drèze, Jacques H. |
Market equilibrium with endogenous price uncertainty and options
1999 |
Huang, Peter H. |
On the optimal schedule for introducing a new technology, when there is learning by doing
1999 |
Linhart, Peter B. |