The econonomics of private label pricing and channel coordination
1999 |
Cotterill, Ronald W. |
Backward linkages and strategic firm behavior: an application to international trade
1999 |
Hamilton, Stephen F. |
Export subsidies in a vertically-interrelated marketing system: the case of durum wheat and pasta
1999 |
Sheldon, Ian M. |
Effects of contractual terms on the balance of risk
1999 |
Gribbohm, Imcke |
The role of quality assurance in food retailer-manufacturer relations: The case of food safety controls in the supply of retailer own-branded products in the UK
1999 |
Henson, Spencer |
Supply chain integration, category management and the Italian food retail sector
1999 |
Lanciotti, Claudia |
The efficient consumer response initiative: Implications for vertical relationships throughout the US food system
1999 |
Senauer, Benjamin |
Vertical coordination and competitiveness: the case of high quality and aged foods
1999 |
Canali, Gabriele |
Vertical coordination in the Dutch livestock industry: Determinants, developments and performance
1999 |
Graaff, Ronald P. M. de |
Coordination efficiency: proposals for a framework: An illustration with the fresh tomato sector in France
1999 |
Philippe, Françoise |
Capabilities, transaction costs, and vertical coordination in the food system
1999 |
Boon, Arnold D. |
Towards a theory of successful vertical cooperation in the food system
1999 |
Galizzi, Giovanni |
Value differentiation in agriculture: driving forces and complementarities
1999 |
Goodhue, Rachael E. |
Globalization's consequences for vertical coordination and competition in the food system
1999 |
Nicolas, François |
The economics of learning-based strategies and structural changes in the US pork chain: a system dynamics perspective
1999 |
Cloutier, L. Martin |
Supermarkets and co-ordination forms in the food sector
1999 |
Green, Raúl H. |
Farmer's choice about market and contract with price risk
1999 |
Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette |
Coordination without vertical integration: the case of the French food system
1999 |
Nefussi, Jacques |
Vertical relationships: Economic theory and empirical evidence
1999 |
Azzam, Azzeddine M. |
The effect of economic integration in oligopolistic markets
1999 |
Marttila, Juha |