Do airlines pad their schedules?
2019 |
Forbes, Silke J. |
Strategic responses to competitive threats : airlines in action
2019 |
Kwoka, John E. |
Competition, mergers, and R&D diversity
2019 |
Gilbert, Richard J. |
A structural break cartel screen for dating and detecting collusion
2019 |
Crede, Carsten J. |
Is there a loyalty-enhancing effect of retroactive price-reduction schemes?
2019 |
Bruttel, Lisa Verena |
Multisided platforms, big data, and a little antitrust policy
2019 |
Katz, Michael L. |
Antitrust enforcement in Europe in the last 25 years : developments and challenges
2019 |
Katsulakos, Giannēs S. |
The single market in pharmaceuticals
2019 |
Kyle, Margaret K. |
Effect of merger on market price and product quality : American and US Airways
2019 |
Das, Somnath |
Introduction (to CRESSE Special Issue of RIO)
2019 |
Katsulakos, Giannēs S. |
Legal treatment of abuse of dominance in Indian competition law : adopting an effects-based approach
2019 |
Malik, Payal |
Airline partnerships, antitrust immunity, and joint ventures : what we know and what i think we would like to know
2019 |
Bilotkach, Volodymyr |
Interchange fees and innovation in payment systems
2019 |
Bourreau, Marc |
Ex-ante agreements and FRAND commitments in a repeated game of standard-setting organizations
2019 |
Llanes, Gastón |
Optimal institutional structure of competition authorities under reputation maximization : a model and empirical evidence from the case of Russia
2019 |
Avdaševa, Svetlana B. |
The Chilean anti-cartel experience : accomplishments and challenges
2019 |
Aydin, Umut |
Recurrent Collusion : cartel episodes and overcharges in the South African cement market
2019 |
Boshoff, Willem H. |
Abuse of market dominance under China's anti-monopoly law : the case of tetra pak
2019 |
Fu, Xiao |
Search fatigue
2019 |
Carlin, Bruce Ian |
The dubious antitrust argument for breaking up the internet giants
2019 |
Crandall, Robert W. |