Responding to citizens' needs : from bureaucratic accountability to individual coproduction in the public sector
1991 |
Wirth, Wolfgang |
Constitutional considerations with particular reference to federal systems
1991 |
Ostrom, Vincent |
Coordination of administrative controls : institutional challenges for operational tasks
1991 |
Wirth, Wolfgang |
Solidarity and market reconsidered : cum, versus or what?
1991 |
Gretschmann, Klaus |
Interorganizational networks and control : a crtical conclusion
1991 |
Rhodes, Rod A. W. |
Analyzing the public sector - shortcomings of policy science and political analysis
1991 |
Majone, Giandomenico |
Measuring the public sector
1991 |
Gretschmann, Klaus |
Generating knowledge and refining experience
1991 |
Hellstern, Gerd-Michael |
A cyberbetic view of guidance, control, and evaluation in the public sector
1991 |
Dunsire, Andrew |
Concepts of control over public bureaucracies : 'control' and 'interpolable balance
1991 |
Hood, Christopher |
Comparing solidariity, hierarchy, and markets : institutional arrangements for the coordination of actions
1991 |
Hegner, Friedhart |
Development of the public sector : trends and issues
1991 |
Grunow, Dieter |
The blurring of the distinction "state versus society" in the idea and practice of the welfare state
1991 |
Kaufmann, Franz-Xaver |
The hidden public sector : the 'quangocratization' of the world?
1991 |
Hood, Christopher |
Two decades of implementation research : from control to guidance and learning
1991 |
Sabatier, Paul A. |
Votes and vetoes
1991 |
Herzberg, Roberta |
Professionalism and mutual adjustment
1991 |
Majone, Giandomenico |
Interorganizational policy coordination : arrangements of shared government
1991 |
Franz, Hans-Jürgen |
Analyzing the public sector - the received view in economics and its shortcomings
1991 |
Gretschmann, Klaus |
The modern state : continental traditions
1991 |
Grimm, Dieter |