Yield curve and the macroeconomy : evidence from a DSGE model with housing
2023 |
Sun, Xiaojin |
Age-specific entrepreneurship and PAYG : public pensions in Germany
2023 |
Heer, Burkhard |
Policy coordination and the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus
2023 |
Kim, Hyeongwoo |
Inflation targeting and inflation communication of the Federal Reserve : words and deeds
2023 |
Hüpper, Florian |
Public investment, national debt, and economic growth : the role of debt finance under dynamic inefficiency
2023 |
Kamiguchi, Akira |
Business cycle synchronization and African monetary union : a wavelet analysis
2023 |
Fankem, Gislain Stéphane Gandjon |
Behavioral new Keynesian models : an empirical assessment
2023 |
Meggiorini, Greta |
International capital flows, liquidity risk, and monetary policy
2023 |
Harrison, Andre |
Taylor rules : consequences for wealth and income inequality
2023 |
Gokan, Yoichi |
Big Brother is also being watched : measuring fiscal credibility
2023 |
End, Nicolas |
Child survival and contraception choice : theory and evidence
2023 |
Bhattacharya, Joydeep |
Patent term extensions and commercialization lags in the pharmaceutical industry : a growth-theoretic analysis
2023 |
Hu, Mei-Ying |
Staggered wages, unanticipated shocks and firms' adjustments
2023 |
Caloia, Francesco G. |
The effect of legislated tax changes on the trade balance : empirical evidence for the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom
2023 |
Hayo, Bernd |
Access to infrastructure and women's time allocation : implications for growth and gender equality
2023 |
Agénor, Pierre-Richard |
The pace of fiscal consolidations, fiscal sustainability, and welfare : an overlapping generations approach
2023 |
Maebayashi, Noritaka |
How can financial constraints force a central bank to exit a currency peg? : an application to the Swiss franc peg
2023 |
Pinter, Julien |
Monetary and fiscal coordination in preventing bank failures and financial contagion
2023 |
Sim, Khai Zhi |
Public debt and welfare in a quantitative Schumpeterian growth model with incomplete markets
2023 |
Cozzi, Marco |
Effects of monetary and government spending policy on economic inequality
2023 |
Dhital, Saroj |