The structural transformation and reform of the state-owned enterprises
1997 |
Tiang, Mao |
Influence of the exchange rate policy on main economic processes in transforming Slovakia
1997 |
Kárász, Pavol |
Social markets of the welfare state in East-Central Europe : cross-national comparisons
1997 |
Tamás, Paul |
Privatization and corporate governance in Romania
1997 |
Zaman, Gheorghe |
Reform and management of the economy in China, Russia and Poland
1997 |
Wallace, Bill |
Transformation of Polish stete-owned entreprises by employee buyouts
1997 |
Jarosz, Maria |
Selected social issues of transformation unemployment, poverty, social exclusion
1997 |
Kabaj, Mieczysław |
Strive to keep macroeconomy under control in market-oriented transition
1997 |
Jiang, Chunze |
Theregional aspect of reforms in Russia the province of Vologda
1997 |
Iljin, W.A. |
Social affairs in the framework of public expenditures
1997 |
Vavrejnova, Marie |
Banking reform in China
1997 |
Dayong, Wan |
On macro-control in the process of the transition of China's economic system
1997 |
Li, Jingwen |
The macro-economic stabilization and macro-economic control in the process of economic transition in Poland
1997 |
Krajewski, Stefan |
Polish financial system in the 1990s
1997 |
Polański, Zbigniew |
Reforms in the Russian economy : selected results and perspectives : (main contentions)
1997 |
Petrakov, Nikolaj Jakovlevič |
Co-operation of the national economy sectors : (main contentions)
1997 |
Kašin, Valentin N. |
Influence of foreign direct investment from European Union and NAFTA countries on Central and East European countries, especially in the Slovak Republic
1997 |
Mikelka, Eduard |
Economic development of Slovakia : (macroeconomic issues)
1997 |
Mikelka, Eduard |
Structural change in China and in the Central and East European countries
1997 |
Urban, Waltraut |