Stock return volatility on emerging Eastern European markets
1997 |
Shields, Kalvinder K. |
On the proper use of ordinal variables : reply
1997 |
Leslie, Derek G. |
Differential profit rates and convergence to the natural state
1997 |
Gangopadhyay, Partha |
The extent of departures from debt neutrality when future income is uncertain
1997 |
Pemberton, James |
Decentralized fiscal policy in an imperfectly competitive federal economy
1997 |
Aloi, Marta |
Chaotic behaviour in a simple model inflation
1997 |
Chappell, David |
Idiosyncratic features of Kalecki's pricing models
1997 |
Carson, John D. |
Unit roots and British industrial growth, 1923 - 92
1997 |
Greasley, David |
Financial constraints, aggregate supply, and the monetary transmission mechanism
1997 |
Delli Gatti, Domenico |
Common stochastic trends and convergence of European Union stock markets
1997 |
Serletis, Apostolos |
Core ERM money demand and effects on inflation
1997 |
Cassard, Marcel |
Two factors along the yield curve
1997 |
Gong, Frank Fangxiong |
Fiscal policy and the Maastricht solvency criteria
1997 |
Barrell, Ray |
Quasi-rational search under incomplete information : some evidence from experiments
1997 |
Butler, David J. |
Adverse selection and the market for building society mortgage finance
1997 |
Drake, Leigh M. |
Real interest rates and index-linked gilts
1997 |
Robertson, Donald |
How is investment financed? : A study of Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States
1997 |
Corbett, Jennifer Marjorie |
A two-factor model of the UK yield curve
1997 |
Steeley, James M. |
On the proper use of ordinal variables : a comment
1997 |
Skott, Peter |
Privately financed capital in public services
1997 |
Heald, David |