Retooling poverty targeting using out-of-sample validation and machine learning
2018 |
McBride, Linden |
Networks and manufacturing firms in Africa : results from a randomized field experiment
2018 |
Fafchamps, Marcel |
Dynamics of demand for rainfall index insurance : evidence from a commercial product in India
2018 |
Stein, Daniel |
Inventor diasporas and the internationalization of technology
2018 |
Miguélez, Ernest |
Migrant labor markets and the welfare of rural households in the developing world : evidence from China
2018 |
De Brauw, Alan |
The long-term impacts of international migration : evidence from a lottery
2018 |
Gibson, John K. |
Migration and cross-border financial flows
2018 |
Kugler, Maurice |
Top incomes and the measurement of inequality in Egypt
2018 |
Hlásny, Vladimír |
Inequality is bad for growth of the poor (but not for that of the rich)
2018 |
Weide, Roy van der |
Why is China investing in Africa? : evidence from the firm level
2018 |
Chen, Wenjie |
How and why does immigration affect crime? : evidence from Malaysia
2018 |
Özden, Çağlar |
Migrant remittances and information flows : evidence from a field experiment
2018 |
Batista, Catia |
Who benefited from Burundi's demobilization program?
2018 |
D'Aoust, Olivia |
What type of finance matters for growth? : Bayesian model averaging evidence
2018 |
Hasan, Iftekhar |
The impact of the Syrian refugee crisis on firm entry and performance in Turkey
2018 |
Akgündüz, Yusuf Emre |
When the cat's away ... : the effects of spousal migration on investments on children
2018 |
Rizzica, Lucia |
Can parental migration reduce petty corruption in education?
2018 |
Höckel, Lisa Sofie |
Heterogeneous technology diffusion and Ricardian trade patterns
2018 |
Kerr, William R. |
Determinants of productivity and structural change in a large commercial farm environment : evidence from Ukraine
2018 |
Deininger, Klaus W. |
What is the equity-efficiency tradeoff when maintaining wells in rural Haiti?
2018 |
Aliprantis, Dionissi |