Geographie der direkten Auslandsinvestitionen in Polen
1997 |
Dziemianowicz, Wojciech |
Regional innovation systems in Poland
1997 |
Kukliński, Antoni |
Strategic choices and Poland's regional policy
1997 |
Gorzelak, Grzegorz |
Ukraine: recent past, current state, future prospects
1997 |
Havrylyšyn, Bohdan |
Entwicklungsfaktoren der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit in den östlichen Grenzgebieten Polens : raumordnerische und ökonomische Perspektive
1997 |
Mync, Agnieszka |
Comments on Professor Antoni Kukliński's paper "Re-making Europe. An utopian dream or a feasible reality of the 21st century?"
1997 |
Woroniecki, Jan |
Regional Innovation Centre : the Kraków perspective
1997 |
Targalski, Jan |
The role of innovation in developing Polish entrepreneurship in private- and state-owned sector
1997 |
Kwiatkowski, Stefan Michał |
Seerecht und Umweltschutz in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Helsinki-Konvention 1992 und der Konsequenzen für Naturschutz und Raumordnung
1997 |
Erbguth, Wilfried |
Les incertitudes de la régionalisation en Europe
1997 |
Labasse, Jean |
Sustainable development, democracy, capitalism : the livable future in Europe of the 21st century
1997 |
Kukliński, Antoni |
Basic problems of social and economic development of Poland in the years 1996 - 2010
1997 |
Karpiński, Andrzej |
Inward investment and economic development in Poland
1997 |
Cooke, Philip |
Innovation-oriented activities in the Toruń region
1997 |
Jamiołkowski, Andrzej |
Competition and co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region
1997 |
Jobless or employment-oriented growth strategy? : Searching for dual model of development of the Polish economy (1996 - 2000)
1997 |
Kabaj, Mieczysław |
Core and periphery : the economic transformation of Polish space
1997 |
Rykiel, Zbigniew |
Re-making Europe : an utopian dream or a feasible reality of the 21st century?
1997 |
Kukliński, Antoni |
Kommunale Selbstverwaltung als Entwicklungspfad
1997 |
Kiepe, Folkert |
Planning spaces, constructing regions : the French experience
1997 |
Benko, Georges |