Israel and the peace process : foreign investments and the Arab boycott
1995 |
Feiler, Gil |
L' insertion de l'Egypte au Moyen-Orient
1995 |
Vernier, Marie-France |
From war dividend to peace dividend? : Syrian options in a new regional environment
1995 |
Perthes, Volker |
Employment prospects in the Middle East
1995 |
Handoussa, Heba Ahmad |
Les hydrocarbures du Golfe et les perspectives énergético-industrielles d'un Proche-Orient en paix
1995 |
Blin, Louis |
Prospects for economic liberalization and regional cooperation in the Near East
1995 |
Zallio, Franco |
Une économie du Moyen-Orient de l'après-conflit? : Obstacles et perspectives pour une approche régionale
1995 |
Chatelus, Michel |
The challenges of peace to the Egyptian economy
1995 |
Ḫairaddīn, Hanāʾ |
The economic activities of the "returnees" from the Gulf countries and their effect on Jordan's economy
1995 |
Deeb, Leila G. |
Labor markets and peace : the case of Jordan
1995 |
Shafik, Nemat |
The peace process : potentialities and challenges for regional cooperation in industrial and technological development
1995 |
Charif, Hassan |
The Middle Eastern free trade area : a sceptical note
1995 |
ʿAbd-al-Faḍīl, Maḥmūd |
The impact of the Israeli economy on the neighboring Arab countries in time of peace : an Arab viewpoint
1995 |
Abdel Jaber, Tayseer |
Anglo-American plans for the post-World War II Middle Eastern economic development
1995 |
Ḥāmid, Raʾūf ʿAbbās |
Middle East peace and normalization : the political consequences of unequal solutions
1995 |
Kienle, Eberhard |
Les relations économiques égypto-israéliennes
1995 |
Balas, Cédric |
Une asymétrie paradoxale : mobilité des hommes et immobilité des biens au Moyen-Orient
1995 |
Cabrillac, Bruno |
Les pays arabes et les défis de la paix
1995 |
El-Naggar, Said |
Les industries d'armement au Moyen-Orient : paix et reconversion
1995 |
Clément, Françoise |
The potential for cooperation in trade in a peaceful Middle East
1995 |
Strack, Dieter |