ARCH models
1994 |
Bollerslev, Tim |
Analog estimation of econometric models
1994 |
Manski, Charles F. |
Estimation and inference for dependent processes
1994 |
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. |
Restrictions of economic theory in nonparametric methods
1994 |
Matzkin, Rosa L. |
Empirical process methods in econometrics
1994 |
Andrews, Donald W. K. |
Structural estimation of Markov decision processes
1994 |
Rust, John |
Aspects of modelling nonlinear time series
1994 |
Teräsvirta, Timo |
Unit roots, structural breaks and trends
1994 |
Stock, James H. |
Classical estimation methods for LDV models using simulation
1994 |
Hajivassiliou, Vassilis Argyrou |
Methodology and theory for the bootstrap
1994 |
Hall, Peter |
Applied nonparametric methods
1994 |
Härdle, Wolfgang |
Large sample estimation and hypothesis testing
1994 |
Newey, Whitney K. |
State-space models
1994 |
Hamilton, James D. |
Vector autoregressions and cointegration
1994 |
Watson, Mark W. |
Testing non-nested hypotheses
1994 |
Gouriéroux, Christian |
Estimation of semiparametric models
1994 |
Powell, James |