Claims of political tradition
1985 |
Morse, Richard M. |
The last viceroys of new Spain and Peru : an appraisal
1985 |
Anna, Timothy Eagan |
Women and crime : Buenos Aires, 1757 - 97
1985 |
Socolow, Susan Migden |
Trade and navigation in the seventeenth century viceroyalty of Peru
1985 |
Clayton, Lawrence A. |
Landed society in new Spain : a view from the South
1985 |
Taylor, William B. |
Carting in the Hispanic world : an example of divergent development
1985 |
Ringrose, David |
Ecomienda and hacienda : the evolution of the great estate in the Spanish Indies
1985 |
Lockhart, James |
Haciendas and villages in late colonial Morelos
1985 |
Martin, Cheryl English |
Magistracy and society in colonial Brazil
1985 |
Schwartz, Stuart B. |
Colonial silver mining : Mexico and Peru
1985 |
Brading, David Anthony |
Social climbers : changing patterns of mobility among the Indians of colonial Peru
1985 |
Spalding, Karen |
The problem of conflicting Spanish imperial ideologies in the sixteenth century
1985 |
Phelan, John L. |
The problem of the roots of revolution : society and intellectual ferment in Mexico on the eve of independence
1985 |
Liss, Peggy K. |
Conquistador y pestilencia : the first New World pandemic and the fall of the great Indian empires
1985 |
Crosby, Alfred W. |
Nationality, nationalism, and supranationalism in the writings of Simón Bolívar
1985 |
Collier, Simon |
Civil disorders and popular protests in late colonial New Granada
1985 |
MacFarlane, Anthony F. |
Government and elite in late colonial Mexico
1985 |
Brading, David Anthony |
Women and society in colonial Brazil
1985 |
Russell-Wood, Anthony J. R. |
Mexico in the seventeenth century : transition of a colonial society
1985 |
Boyer, Richard Everett |
The rise and fall of Indian white alliances : a regional view of "conquest" history
1985 |
Stern, Steve J. |