The reception of the WTO Agreement in the European Union : the legacy of GATT
1997 |
Govaere, Inge |
Standards of treatment, harmonization and mutual recognition : a comparison between regional areas and the global trading system
1997 |
Sacerdoti, Giorgio |
Environmental protection in regional trade agreements : the European Community and NAFTA
1997 |
Esty, Daniel C. |
"The social dimensions of the liberalization of world trade" and "Trade and labour standards: can common rules be agreed?" : the view from the ILO ; a commentary and a rejoinder
1997 |
Canela-Cacho, José Angel |
Convergence, divergence and interaction of regional trade agreements and the agreement of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)
1997 |
Govaere, Inge |
ASEAN and APEC: a triumph of the "Asian way"?
1997 |
Pelkmans, Jacques |
Some lessons from the Mercosur initial experience
1997 |
Peña, Félix |
The Turkish model of association : customs union before accession
1997 |
Kabaalioğlu, Halûk A. |
Subregional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, the Visegrád Declaration and the Central European Trade Agreement
1997 |
Balázs, Péter |
Regional versus multilateral approaches to services and investment liberalization : anything to worry about?
1997 |
Sauvé, Pierre |
Rules of origin in regional trade agreements
1997 |
Palmeter, N. David |
The new commercial strategy of the European Union towards Latin America : in search of market access through a regional and specific approach
1997 |
García Jiménez, Gonzalo |
European Economic Area and Switzerland-European Union bilateral agreements in comparative perspective : what lessons?
1997 |
Schwok, René |
Direct application of multilateral trade agreements in the United States
1997 |
Steinberg, Richard H. |
The new WTO dispute settlement mechanism
1997 |
Pescatore, Pierre |
Government procurement in a multilateral context
1997 |
Delsaux, Pierre |
Transatlanticism in support of multilateralism? : Prospects for great power management of the world trading system
1997 |
Steinberg, Richard H. |
The North American Free Trade Agreement : its possible extension to South American countries
1997 |
Mackay, Donald R. |
The Andean Community case
1997 |
Fairlie Reinoso, Alan |
The proliferation of the European Union rules on free trade in Central and Eastern Europe : towards a pan-European integrated market
1997 |
Sołtysiński, Stanisław |