Sensitivity analysis in facility location applied to a depot location problem of a food producer
1997 |
Klose, Andreas |
Applying fuzzy clustering for a better representation of the total scenario space
1997 |
Mißler-Behr, Magdalena |
On the economic efficiency of energy conservation programs
1997 |
Wirl, Franz |
Koordination vernetzter Produktionsprozesse
1997 |
Reuter, Bärbel |
A heuristic for the probabilistic traveling salesman problem
1997 |
Rosenow, Silke |
Ökonomisch-ökologisches Spannungsfeld, Problem der Abwässer in der Holzindustrie und Lösungsmöglichkeiten durch die Methode der Zieloptimierung (goal programming)
1997 |
Tratnik, Mirko |
Factor-GARCH models for German stocks : a model comparison
1997 |
Kaiser, Thomas |
Closed form solutions for a game of macroeconomic policy in a two-party system
1997 |
Herings, Peter Jean-Jacques |
Holding costs minimization with service level constraints in an arborescent distribution network
1997 |
Tüshaus, Ulrich |
Computational complexity analysis of single machine scheduling problems with job release dates dependent on resources
1997 |
Janiak, Adam |
Resource-constrained project scheduling : a survey of recent developments
1997 |
Herroelen, Willy S. |
Locating depots for a food producer by solving uncapacitated facility location problems
1997 |
Tüshaus, Ulrich |
Numerical solution of optimal control problems in macroeconomics and microeconomics : are direct or indirect methods more favorable?
1997 |
Breitner, Michael H. |
Ein neuronales Netz zur nichtlinearen Volatilitätsschätzung
1997 |
Freisleben, Bernd |
Entwicklung und Anwendung eines gemischt-ganzzahligen Energie-Emissions-Modells
1997 |
Ganzheitliche Bewertung von Produktionsprozessen durch multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung
1997 |
Spengler, Thomas |
Restraining public health expenditure
1997 |
Goisis, Gianandrea |
Maximum loss for risk measurement of portfolios
1997 |
Studer, Gerold |
Multiperiod price optimization in oligopolies considering reference price effects
1997 |
Löffler, Michael |
Multidimensional signalling and entry decision strategies
1997 |
Campisi, Domenico |