Modeling the household economy
1995 |
Ironmonger, Duncan Standon |
Econometrics and environmental policy analysis
1995 |
Kosobud, Richard F. |
The J-curve and the Indian trade balance : a quantitative perspective
1995 |
Marwah, Kanta |
Macroeconometrics and growth in the global economy
1995 |
Helliwell, John F. |
Demand management, real wage rigidity, and unemployment
1995 |
Coen, Robert M. |
On asymmetry in economic time series
1995 |
Diebold, Francis X. |
Stochastic prediction in dynamic nonlinear systems : econometric forecasting applications in models for developing economies
1995 |
Mariano, Roberto S. |
Who innovated the Keynesian Revolution?
1995 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
Modeling transition from the centrally planned economies to the market economies : a case study of Poland
1995 |
Welfe, Władysław |
Actual and "normal" inventories of finished goods : qualitative and quantitative evidence from the Italian manufacturing sector
1995 |
Sestito, Paolo |
Comparative country performance at own-prices or common international prices
1995 |
Heston, Alan W. |
Japan's macroeconomic policy and Japan-US economic relations during the eighties
1995 |
Moriguchi, Chikashi |
An analysis of the effects of economic policies on Taiwan's economic growth and stability
1995 |
Yu, Zongxian |
Modeling inventory investment and profits in a macro-econometric model
1995 |
Popkin, Joel |
Exchange rate unions versus flexible exchange rates : an empirical investigation
1995 |
Papaioannou, Michael G. |
Models of exchange rate behavior : application to the yen and the mark
1995 |
Kwak, Sŭng-yŏng |
Manufacturing industry and balance of payments adjustment : the United Kingdom case
1995 |
Ball, R. J. |
On the distribution of horse qualities at racetracks : an analysis of cournot-nash equilibria
1995 |
Quandt, Richard E. |
Rereading the "Keynesian Revolution"
1995 |
Krelle, Wilhelm |
Macroeconomics - supra-national macroeconomic core
1995 |
Dutta, Manoranjan |