The Swedish micro-to-macro model : idea, design and application
1986 |
Eliasson, Gunnar |
A microsimulation model for the German federal training assistance act : principles, problems and experiences
1986 |
Bungers, Dieter |
Requisite research on methods and tools for microanalytic simulation models
1986 |
Hoschka, Peter |
Evaluating Reagan Administration social program changes : two applications of MATH
1986 |
Beebout, Harold |
Potential and limitations of microsimulation models
1986 |
Krupp, Hans-Jürgen |
Views on microanalytical simulation modeling
1986 |
Orcutt, Guy H. |
Data structure requirments of microanalytic simulation models
1986 |
Müller, Gerriet P. |
Factors determining acceptance and success of microanalytic simulation models
1986 |
Dickhoven, Siegfried |
Longitudinal microsimulation of life income
1986 |
Hain, Winfried |
Microanalytic simulation and social policy
1986 |
Smith, James D. |
Microanalytic tax simulation models in Europe : development and experience in the German Federal Ministry of Finance
1986 |
Lietmeyer, Volker |
Microanalytic simulation models for the evaluation of integrated changes in taxes and transfers : their role in tax and transfer reform in Israel
1986 |
Habib, Jack |
The art of transfer policy analysis
1986 |
MacClung, Nelson |
Experience with the panel study of income dynamics
1986 |
Morgan, James N. |
Statistical match : evaluation of existing procedures and improvements by using additional information
1986 |
Paass, Gerhard |
Future directions for microanalytic simulation modeling of the labor market
1986 |
Betson, David M. |
The microsimulation model of the Sfb 3 for the analysis of economic and social policies
1986 |
Galler, Heinz P. |
DYNASIM in comparison with other microsimulation models
1986 |
Wertheimer, Richard |
Software implementation of microanalytic simulation models : state of the art and outlook
1986 |
Klösgen, Willi |
Structural adjustment in static and dynamic microsimulation models
1986 |
Merz, Joachim |