[Rezension von: Increasing returns and economic analysis, ed. by Kenneth J. Arrow, ...]
2000 |
Agliardi, Elettra |
Variable returns to scale, resources and population
1998 |
Pitchford, John David |
Variety, spillovers and market structure in a model of endogenous technological change
1998 |
Peretto, Pietro F. |
Increasing returns, constant returns and micro-macro economics
1998 |
Marris, Robin Lapthorn |
A dynamic model of monopolistic competition with trade externalities and fiscal policy
1998 |
Cheung, Kee-nam |
An analytical framework of consumer-producers, economies of specialization and transaction costs
1998 |
Wen, Mei |
Specialization and division of labour : a survey
1998 |
Yang, Xiaokai |
Economic fluctuations and non-neutrality of money based upon imperfect competition
1998 |
Yin, Xiangkang |
Industrialization policy and the 'big push'
1998 |
Gans, Joshua |
Economies of scale and imperfect competition in an applied general equilibrium model of the Australian economy
1998 |
Abayasiri-Silva, Kaludura |
An extended Ethier model with the tradeoff between economies of scale and transaction costs
1998 |
Wong, Kar-yiu |
Centralized hierarchy within a firm and decentralized hierarchy in the market
1998 |
Shi, He-ling |
Pursuit of relative conspicuous consumption in monopolistic competition
1998 |
Wang, Jianguo |
Non-neutrality of money under non-perfect competition : why do economists fail to see the possibility?
1998 |
Ng, Yew-Kwang |
Policy analysis in a dynamic model with endogenous specialization
1998 |
Zhang, Junxi |
Economies of specialization and trade
1998 |
Ng, Siang |
The inframarginal analysis of demand and supply and the relationship between a minimum level of consumption and the division of labour
1998 |
Lio, Monchi |
The Stolper-Samuelson theorem in models with economies of scale
1998 |
Lloyd, Peter J. |
Variable returns to scale and factor price equalization
1998 |
Kemp, Murray C. |
Innovation and increasing returns to scale
1998 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph |