Endowment effect for risky assets
1996 |
Loomes, Graham |
Induction vs deterrence in the chain store game : how many potential entrants are needed to deter entry?
1996 |
Sundali, James A. |
Credible threats of secession, partnership, and commonwealths
1996 |
Reny, Philip J. |
Finite convergence of the core in a piecewise linear market game
1996 |
Rosenmüller, Joachim |
Reinhard Selten meets the classics
1996 |
Güth, Werner |
Dumb bugs vs. bright noncooperative players : a comparison
1996 |
Quint, Thomas |
Strict and symmetric correlated equilibria are the distributions of the ESS's of biological conflicts with asymmetric roles
1996 |
Shmida, Avi |
Evolutionary conflict and the design of life
1996 |
Hammerstein, Peter |
Games of incomplete information : the inconsistent case
1996 |
Mashler, Mikhaʾel |
Intertemporal speculation under uncertain future demand : experimental results
1996 |
Plott, Charles |
Sequencing and the size of the budget : experimental evidence
1996 |
Gardner, Roy J. |
On styles of relating to bargaining partners
1996 |
Ostmann, Axel |
Reciprocity: the behavioral foundations of socio-economic games
1996 |
Hoffman, Elizabeth |
The organization of social cooperation : a noncooperative approach
1996 |
Okada, Akira |
Endogenous agendas in committees
1996 |
Winter, Eyal |
A note on imperfect recall
1996 |
Binmore, Ken |
Futures market contracting : when you don't know who the optimists are
1996 |
Harstad, Ronald M. |
Cooperation in intergroup and single-group prisoner's dilemma games
1996 |
Bornstein, Gary |
Naive strategies in competitive games
1996 |
Rubinstein, Ariel |
A model of boundedly rational experienced bargaining in characteristic function games
1996 |
Albers, Wulf |