[Rezension von: Models and measurement of welfare and inequality, Wolfgang Eichhorn (ed.)]
1996 |
Weikard, Hans-Peter |
Indices of welfare for the economy and households in distorted open economies
1994 |
Lloyd, Peter J. |
Existence and stability of equilibrium in a multisectoral model with quantity rationing
1994 |
Lehmann-Waffenschmidt, Marco |
An impossibility result concerning distributive justice in axiomatic bargaining
1994 |
Ahlert, Marlies |
A model of interdependent consumer behavior : nonlinear dynamics in IR2
1994 |
Gaertner, Wulf |
Commodity aggregation and Slutsky asymmetry
1994 |
Jerison, David |
EC integration and the structure of the Franco-American airline industries : implications for efficiency and welfare
1994 |
Good, David H. |
A reconsideration of income compensation functions in social welfare theory
1994 |
Fuchs-Seliger, Susanne |
On the uniqueness of cardinally interpreted utility functions
1994 |
Bossert, Walter |
Income tax reform in Germany : a welfare analysis
1994 |
Wagenhals, Gerhard |
Retrieving inequality concepts and progressivity objectives from tax functions via approximations
1994 |
Pfingsten, Andreas |
Welfare or Pareto-improving directions of piecemeal tax reform
1994 |
Haller, Hans |
Welfare effects of abolishing the German business taxes : an applied general equilibrium analysis
1994 |
Duschek, Klaus-Jürgen |
On Atkinson's index and consensus in rankings of income distributions
1994 |
Thistle, Paul D. |
Income tax and cost-of-living indices
1994 |
Balk, Bert M. |
Transformations of stochastic orderings
1994 |
Moyes, Patrick |
Harsanyi's social aggregation theorem with alternative Pareto principles
1994 |
Weymark, John A. |
Multidimensional welfarisms
1994 |
Mosler, Karl C. |
Money metric measures of individual and social welfare allowing for environmental externalities
1994 |
Hammond, Peter J. |
The effect of relative price changes and cost of living adjustments on some welfare indices
1994 |