On reasonable demands for avoidance and recycling regulations
1993 |
Stahlecker, Peter |
Canonical correlations in a two-blocks LISREL model
1993 |
Schneeweiß, Hans |
Product positioning based on knowledge-oriented support : a logical framework
1993 |
Gaul, Wolfgang |
Alternatives for the traditional overhead cost allocation
1993 |
Christmann, Albert |
Fundamental properties of a surplus function
1993 |
Schweizer, Urs |
Different economic theories with the same formal structure : risk, income inequality, information structures, etc
1993 |
Nermuth, Manfred |
Efficiency measures and input aggregation
1993 |
Primont, Daniel A. |
Stochastic interpretation of the Cornfield-Leontief multiplier process
1993 |
Egle, Kuno |
Modelling product differentiation : an application of the theory of functional equations
1993 |
Dierker, Egbert |
Financing of public goods by Pigouvian taxes
1993 |
Ebert, Udo |
A production function for scientific interaction
1993 |
Beckmann, Martin J. |
Samuelson's "Shibboleth" revisited : proportional budgeting among agents and rank-two demand systems
1993 |
Blackorby, Charles |
Models and methods
1993 |
Rutsch, Martin |
Experimental economics
1993 |
Leopold-Wildburger, Ulrike |
Financial deregulation and macroeconomic stabilization rules
1993 |
Karmann, Alexander |
On the influence of mathematics and informatics on the modern insurance industry
1993 |
Schwebler, Robert |
On the importance of mathematical models and methods to the insurance business
1993 |
Schickinger, Walter F. |
Some remarks on relational input-output-models
1993 |
Steffens, Franz |
Frontier tales: DEA and FDH
1993 |
Lovell, C. A. Knox |
The ecological disaster of Bitterfeld and chicken games
1993 |
Morlok, Jürgen |