[Rezension von: Trade theory and economic reform, Jaime de Melo ... (eds.)]
1994 |
Preuße, Heinz Gert |
[Rezension von: Trade theory and economic reform, ed. by Jaime de Melo ..]
1992 |
Black, John |
Perestroika in the CMEA and the challenge of the 1992 program for a single Western European market
1991 |
Lavigne, Marie-Louise |
Township village, and private industry in China's economic reform
1991 |
Byrd, William Anderson |
Is Japan an outlier among trading countries?
1991 |
Srinivasan, Thirukodikaval N. |
Conducting scientific assessments for economic reforms
1991 |
Malinvaud, Edmond |
Project evaluation and compensation tests
1991 |
Hatta, Tatsuo |
Stabilization and economic transition in Hungary : the next two years
1991 |
Kornai, János |
Taxes, tariffs, and trade in an industrializing low-income country : simulating policy choices in India, 1973 - 74 to 1983 - 84
1991 |
Dahl, Henrik |
Trade policy, market orientation and productivity change in industry
1991 |
Nishimizu, Mieko |
The discipline of imports in the European market
1991 |
Jacquemin, Alexis |
France, the German Republics, and European economic integration
1991 |
Kindleberger, Charles Poor |
Measuring the effects of nontariff trade-distorting policies
1991 |
Baldwin, Robert E. |
Real exchange rates and purchasing power parity
1991 |
Dornbusch, Rudiger |
Exchange rate policy in developing countries
1991 |
Corden, Max |
Export targeting and Japanese industrial policy
1991 |
Noland, Marcus |
The 1992 European integration program and regional development policies
1991 |
De Grauwe, Paul |
The food gap of the developing world : what we can learn from a general equilibrium modeling approch
1991 |
Burniaux, Jean-Marc |
Adjustment under different trade strategies : a mean-variance analysis with a CGE model of the Yugoslav economy
1991 |
Development economics and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
1991 |
Finger, Joseph M. |