Towards economic democracy and labour flexibility? : An era of experimentation
1991 |
Standing, Guy |
The role and potential of active labour market policy : the Swedish experience
1991 |
Meidner, Rudolf |
The role of new cooperatives in the Soviet economy
1991 |
Nuti, Domenico Mario |
The growth of cooperatives in the Soviet Union
1991 |
Kuznecova, Tamara E. |
Wage differentials: the trade union view
1991 |
Veretennikov, Vladimir G. |
The labour market in the USSR : problems and perspectives
1991 |
Ščerbakov, Vladimir Ivanovič |
The new employment policy in the USSR
1991 |
Kolosov, Valeri F. |
Rural-urban labour migration in the USSR : its role in redistributing population and labour resources
1991 |
Romanenkova, Gortenzija M. |
State employment programmes in the light of the new law on employment
1991 |
Maslova, Inga S. |
An assessment of Soviet labour statistics
1991 |
Manykina, Iraida I. |
Training and retraining : the link with employment
1991 |
Bermant, Mikhail |
Non-wage labour costs in the USSR and the role of trade unions
1991 |
Taylor, Michael |
The future role of trade unions
1991 |
Kanaev, Georgy |
Labour incentives in alternative forms of production
1991 |
Četvernina, Tatʹjana Ja. |
Regulating employment in the context of mobility
1991 |
Kotljar, Aleksandr Ė. |
Recent and prospective trends in Soviet wage determination
1991 |
Chapman, Janet G. |
Labour market problems and developments in the republics
1991 |
Samorodov, Alexander T. |
Labour surplus and labour shortage in the USSR
1991 |
Kostakov, Vladimir G. |
A new employment concept in Soviet labour legislation
1991 |
Antosenkov, Evgenij Grigorʹevič |