Government accounting in the United Kingdom
1990 |
Likierman, Andrew |
Turkish government accounting and financial management system
1990 |
Kivanç, Turan S. |
India: developments in government accounting and financial management
1990 |
Swarup, D. |
Budgetary accounting in China
1990 |
Wang, Song-nian |
Measuring efficiency in government : techniques and experience
1990 |
Diamond, Jack |
Government accounting : promise and performance
1990 |
Staats, Elmer B. |
Cash management
1990 |
DeZoysa, Hema R. |
Expenditure controls : institutional and operational issues
1990 |
Premchand, Arigapudi |
Rolling expenditure plans : Australian experience and prognosis
1990 |
Keating, Michael |
Government accounting and financial management in Latin American countries
1990 |
Wesberry, James P. |
Recent developments in accounting and financial management in the United States
1990 |
Points, Ron |
The Canadian experience
1990 |
Role of public expenditure management in structural adjustment programs
1990 |
Basanti, Rifaat K. |
Fiscal policy for growth and stability in developing countries : selected issues
1990 |
Tanzi, Vito |
Why the deficit persists as a budget problem : role of political institutions
1990 |
Schick, Allen |
Government accounting in Poland
1990 |
Jaruga, Alicja |
Government accounting in Sweden
1990 |
Jônsson, Gert |
Results-oriented management : Australian public sector financial management, accounting, and budgeting reform in the 1980s
1990 |
MacDonald, Paul W. |
Value for money : toward improved organizational functioning
1990 |
Dye, Kenneth M. |
The judicial power of the purse : how the courts interpret budget laws
1990 |
Axelrod, Donald |