The strategy of debt buy-backs : a theoretical analysis of the competitive case
1989 |
Rodríguez, Carlos Alfredo |
Debt-equity swaps
1989 |
Blackwell, Michael |
A delicate equilibrium: debt relief and default penalties in an international context
1989 |
Calvo, Guillermo |
Buy-backs, debt-equity swaps, asset exchanges, and market prices of external debt
1989 |
Dooley, Michael P. |
Debt and conditionality under endogenous terms of trade adjustment
1989 |
Aizenman, Joshua |
Issues in debt strategy : an overview
1989 |
Corden, Max |
Voluntary debt reduction : incentives and welfare
1989 |
Helpman, Elhanan |
Comparing menu items : methodological considerations and policy issues
1989 |
Dooley, Michael P. |
Debt relief and adjustment incentives
1989 |
Corden, Max |
An international debt facility?
1989 |
Corden, Max |
Market valuation of external debt
1989 |
Dooley, Michael P. |
Investment, openness, and country risk
1989 |
Aizenman, Joshua |
Mexican debt exchange : lessons and issues
1989 |
Folkerts-Landau, David F. I. |
Marked-to-market interest rate swaps : a solution to the interest rate risk management problem of indebted developing countries
1989 |
Folkerts-Landau, David F. I. |
Market-based debt-reduction schemes
1989 |
Krugman, Paul R. |
Multilateral negotiations for rescheduling developing country debt : a bargaining-theoretic framework
1989 |
Bulow, Jeremy |
Sovereign debt renegotiation under asymmetric information
1989 |
Kletzer, Kenneth |
External debt problem of sub-Saharan Africa
1989 |
Greene, Joshua E. |