Implications and policy options : a discussion agenda
1987 |
Hardt, John P. |
Bulgarie: commerce extérieur et endettement
1987 |
Citerne, Philippe |
Poland's foreign trade in the 1980s : complex challenges and simple responses?
1987 |
Kamiński, Bartłomiej |
Un second souffle pour l'intégration économique
1987 |
Tiraspolsky, Anita |
Romania: internal economic development and foreign economic relations
1987 |
Smith, Alan |
East European trade in the 1980s : reorientation in internat. econom. relations
1987 |
Kanet, Roger E. |
Hungary: internal economic developments
1987 |
Hare, Paul Gregory |
Poland: current development and prospects of economic reform
1987 |
Nuti, Domenico Mario |
Czechoslovakia: internal economic development and foreign economic relations in the 1980s
1987 |
Altmann, Franz-Lothar |
Economic development in the German Democratic Republic
1987 |
Cornelsen, Doris |
Socialisme, société et croissance
1987 |
Wielemans, Robert |
Hungary's foreign economic relations in the mid 1980s : a retrospective and predictive assessment
1987 |
Marer, Paul |
Poland: internal economic development
1987 |
Fallenbuchl, Zbigniew M. |
German Democratic Republic: foreign economic relations
1987 |
Haendcke-Hoppe-Arndt, Maria |
Bulgaria: domestic economic performance and foreign economic relations in the 1980s
1987 |
Daviddi, Renzo |
East European debt problems and prospects for trade with the developed West
1987 |
Coffin, Ivor C. |