Embodied energy and economic valuation
1986 |
Costanza, Robert |
Investment in input-output models and the treatment of secondary products
1986 |
Almon, Clopper |
An assessment of the RAS method for updating input-output tables
1986 |
Lynch, Robert G. |
Alternative proof of the substitution theorem for Leontief models in the case of three industries
1986 |
Koopmans, Tjalling C. |
Abstract of a theorem concerning substitutability in open Leontief models
1986 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
The implementation of a multiregional input-output model for the United States
1986 |
Polenske, Karen Rosel |
The inforum model
1986 |
Buckler, Margaret B. |
Where are we now? : a short account of the development of input-output studies and their present trends
1986 |
Stone, Richard |
Development and trade dependence : the case of Puerto Rico, 1948 - 1963
1986 |
Weisskoff, Richard |
The fundamental structure of input-output tables : an international comparison
1986 |
Simpson, David |
Input-output data in the United Nations system of national accounts
1986 |
Aidenoff, Abraham |
Application of input-output analysis for less developed countries (LDCs)
1986 |
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor |
Some conditions of macroeconomic stability : note
1986 |
Hawkins, David F. |
Energy, environment, and economic growth
1986 |
Carter, Anne P. |
Interindustry relations of a metropolitan area
1986 |
Hirsch, Werner Zvi |
Developing ex ante input-output flow and capital coefficients
1986 |
Fisher, W. H. |
On the theory of dynamic input-output models with different time profiles of capital construction and finite lifetime of capital equipment
1986 |
Johansen, Leif |
Changes over time in input-output coefficients for the United States
1986 |
Vaccara, Beatrice N. |
The stability of input-output coefficients
1986 |
Sevaldson, Per |
Nonnegative square matrices
1986 |
Debreu, Gérard |