The constitution and nature of money
2018 |
Lawson, Tony |
Financialisation and the New Swedish Model
2018 |
Belfrage, Claes |
Unproductive accumulation in the USA : a new analytical framework
2018 |
Rotta, Tomás |
Decision-making processes and multilayered institutional order : Lionel Robbins’s legacy
2018 |
Masini, Fabio |
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was right : scale-free complex networks and core-periphery patterns in world trade
2018 |
Gala, Paulo |
Progressive supply-side economics : an explanation and update of the Rehn-Meidner model
2018 |
Erixon, Lennart |
A sectoral explanation of per capita income convergence and divergence : estimating Verdoorn’s law for countries at different stages of development
2018 |
Magacho, Guilherme R. |
The "Fragment on Machines" as science fiction; or, reading the Grundrisse politically
2018 |
Trott, Ben |
"Home-sourcing" and closer value chains in mature economies : the case of Spanish manufacturing
2018 |
Bailey, David |
Capabilities and habitat in industrial renewal : the case of UK textiles
2018 |
Froud, Julie |
Global liquidity and monetary policy autonomy : an examination of open-economy policy constraints
2018 |
Angrick, Stefan |
Environmental law & the limits of markets
2018 |
Benson, Jonathan |
History matters : on the mystifying appeal of Bowles and Gintis
2018 |
Finch, John H. |
Just another niche in the wall? : how specialization is changing the face of mainstream economics
2018 |
Cedrini, Mario |
Beyond capital fundamentalism : Harrod, Domar and the history of development economics
2018 |
Boianovsky, Mauro |
Adam Smith, natural movement and physics
2018 |
Pack, Spencer J. |
Menger's Aristotelianism
2018 |
Mittermaier, Karl |
Treasury view and post-WWI British austerity : Basil Blackett, Otto Niemeyer and Ralph Hawtrey
2018 |
Mattei, Clara Elisabetta |
Introducton to the Special Issue : towards a production-centred agenda
2018 |
Andreoni, Antonio |
Industrial policy and exchange rate scepticism
2018 |
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos |