The EU, the Somalia challenge, and counter-piracy : towards a comprehensive approach?
2012 |
Ehrhart, Hans-Georg |
Towards a common, restrictive EU arms export policy? : The impact of the EU Code of Conduct on Major Conventional Arms Exports
2008 |
Bromley, Mark |
Civilian power or soft imperialism? : The EU as a global actor and the role of interregionalism
2005 |
Hettne, Björn |
The EU as a security regime
2005 |
Charillon, Frédéric |
Flexibility vs. legal certainty : article 307 EC and other issues in the aftermath of the Open Skies cases
2005 |
Franklin, Christian N. K. |
ESDP police missions: Meaning, context and operational challenges
2005 |
Merlingen, Michael |
Understanding the Atlanticist-Europeanist divide in the CFSP: Comparing Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands
2004 |
Stahl, Bernhard |
EU intervention in ethno-political conflicts : the cases of Cyprus and Serbia-Montenegro
2004 |
Tocci, Nathalie |
The external aspects of EU competition policy
2002 |
Monti, Mario |
Competition agencies in a market-based global economy
2002 |
Muris, Timothy J. |
The role of the EU as an economic actor within the WTO
2002 |
Senti, Richard |
Monetary sovereignty over the Euro external relations of the Euro Area : competences, procedures and practice
2002 |
Herrmann, Christoph W. |
Renewing the US-EU trade relationship
2001 |
Grassley, Charles E. |
The future of the World Trade System : first annual lecture, European foreign affairs review, Brussels, 8 november 2000
2001 |
Lamy, Pascal |
The European Parliament in EU external relations : the customs union with Turkey
2000 |
Krauss, Stefan |
After the failure of Seattle : new challenges to the EU
2000 |
Dijck, Pitou van |
GM food : the next major transatlantic trade war?
2000 |
Krenzler, Horst Günter |
The EC's autonomous trade policy towards Taiwan
2000 |
Horng, Der-chin |
The EU, trade, environment and unilateralism : passing the buck
2000 |
Calster, Geert van |
The eastward enlargement of the EU : a new economic diplomacy for a united Europe
2000 |
Segell, Glen |