The liquidity management of the European Central Bank
2000 |
Bindseil, Ulrich |
Statistics for Monetary Union
2000 |
Bull, Peter |
A first assessment of the ECB's management of foreign reserve assets
2000 |
Levy-Rueff, Guy |
After the changeover : three conditions for a successful single monetary policy
2000 |
Angeloni, Ignazio |
The international role of the euro
2000 |
Pineau, Georges |
Monetary and exchange rate policy in Cyprus
1999 |
Kanaris, Takis |
The monetary and exchange rate policy of the Czech National Bank
1999 |
Krejci, Petr |
Central bank policies in a very small transition economy
1999 |
Drenovec, Francek |
L' utilisation de l'euro dans les entreprises belges
1999 |
Ven, Caroline |
L' Europe centrale aux portes du marché des capitaux de l'Union européenne
1999 |
Paelinck, Jean-Pierre |
Monetary and exchange rate policy in Slovakia
1999 |
Komínková, Zora |
Six months after introduction of the euro - how prepared is German industry?
1999 |
Kudiß, Reinhard |
The changeover of public administration to the euro
1998 |
L' harmonisation de la TVA
1998 |
Lefebvre, Claire |
The Commission's work programme for the gradual introduction of the new common VAT system
1998 |
Eggermont, Tino |
Economic policy co-ordination in EMU
1998 |
Auwärter, Stefan |
Direct tax co-ordination
1998 |
Schonewille, Peter H. |
The results of the Dublin European Council
1997 |
Dublin et après : l'état du dossier à moins de 500 jours ouvrables de l'euro
1997 |
Silguy, Yves-Thibault de |
European business and euro
1997 |