The Brazilian exchange rate crisis of January 1999
2002 |
Ferreira, Afonso |
Financial structure and financing models : the Brazilian experience over the 1964 - 1997 period
2002 |
Hermann, Jennifer |
Structural reform and industrial promotion in Argentina
2001 |
Sawers, Larry |
The impact of foreign trade on the Mexican economy : terms of trade and the rise of industry 1880 - 1923
2000 |
Beatty, Edward |
The revolution, the labour regime and conditions of work in the cotton textile industry in Mexico, 1910 - 1927
2000 |
Bortz, Jeffrey L. |
Struggling against decline : British business in Chile, 19919 - 33
2000 |
Barton, Jonathan R. |
Inconvertible paper money, inflation and economic performance in early nineteenth contury Argentina
2000 |
Irigoin, Maria Alejandra |
Economic policy and Latin American culture : is a virtuous circle possible?
1999 |
Hojman, David E. |
Banks and entrepreneurs in Porfirian Mexico : inside exploitation or sound business strategy?
1999 |
Maurer, Noel |
Chile's neo-liberal revolution : incremental decisions and structural transformation, 1973 - 89
1999 |
Kurtz, Marcus J. |
Training policy and the property rights of labour in Chile (1990 - 1997) : social citizenship in the atomised market regime
1999 |
Haagh, Louise |
A lavoura dos pobres : tobacco farming and the development of commercial agriculture in Bahia, 1870 - 1930
1999 |
Baud, Michiel |
Popular support for regional economic integration in Latin America
1999 |
Seligson, Mitchell A. |
Trade reform and manufacturing performance in Mexico : from import substitution to dramatic export growth
1999 |
Weiss, John |
The rate of growth of productivity in Mexico, 1850 - 1933 : evidence from the cotton textile industry
1998 |
Razo, Armando |
State agrarianism versus democratic agrarianism : Adalberto Tejeda's experiment in Veracruz, 1928 - 32
1998 |
Gintsberg, Eytan |
Racial ideologies and the quest for national development : debating the agrarian problem in Ecuador (1930 - 50)
1998 |
Clark, A. Kim |
Commerce and imperial decline : Spanish trade with Spanish America, 1797 - 1820
1998 |
Fisher, John Richard |
Growth, inequality and poverty in selected Caribbean and Latin American countries, with emphasis on Guyana
1998 |
Gafar, John S. |
The Cuban sugar economy : collapse, reform and prospects for recovery
1997 |
Pollitt, Brian H. |