Empirical tests of the validity of the regression discontinuity design
2008 |
Cook, Thomas D. |
A note on the common support problem in applied evaluation studies
2008 |
Lechner, Michael |
Estimating marginal treatment effects in heterogeneous populations
2008 |
Moffitt, Robert A. |
Ex ante evaluation of social programs
2008 |
Todd, Petra |
Policy analysis in the health-services market : accounting for quality and quantity
2008 |
Fortin, Bernard |
Testing the specification of the Mincer wage equation
2008 |
Belzil, Christian |
Privatisation des sociétés d'autoroute et marché aval
2008 |
Ettinger, David |
Un modèle canonique d'option réelle bayésienne et son application au principe de précaution
2008 |
Baudry, Marc |
Testing for causality in variance using multivariate GARCH models
2008 |
Hafner, Christian M. |
Lois de conservation économiques et développement durable
2008 |
Martinet, Vincent |
Consistent and non-degenerate model specification tests against smooth transition and neural network alternatives
2008 |
Hill, Jonathan B. |
Allocation chômage : entre efficacité et égalité
2008 |
Desbonnet, Audrey |
Le coût social marginal des fonds publics en France
2008 |
Beaud, Mickael |
Measuring the evolution of complex indicators : theory and application to the poverty rate in France
2008 |
Dell, Fabien |
The upward bias of markups estimated from the price-based methodology
2008 |
Boulhol, Hervé |
Active labor market policy effects for women in Europe : a survey
2008 |
Bergemann, Annette |
The principles underlying evaluation estimators with an application to matching
2008 |
Heckman, James J. |
Studying treatment response to inorm treatment choice
2008 |
Manski, Charles F. |
Bayesian estimation of Cox models with non-nested random effects : an application to the ratification of ILO conventions by developing countries
2008 |
GARP violation, economic enironment distortions and shadow prices : evidence from household expenditure panel data
2008 |
Diaye, Marc-Arthur |