Neighbour regions as the source of new industries
2017 |
Boschma, Ron |
Offshoring, outsourcing and the economic geography of Europe
2017 |
Merino de Lucas, Fernando |
Spatial dependence in (origin-destination) air passenger flows
2017 |
Margaretic, Paula |
Testing and explaining economic resilience with an application to Italian regions
2017 |
Di Caro, Paolo |
Collaboration networks within a French cluster : do partners really interact with each other?
2017 |
Bernela, Bastien |
Identification of spatial agglomerations in the German food processing industry
2017 |
Hoffmann, Julia |
The puzzling heterogeneity of amenity capitalization effects on land markets
2017 |
Wu, Wenjie |
A long-run analysis of push and pull factors of internal migration in Italy : estimation of a gravity model with human capital using homogeneous and heterogeneous approaches
2017 |
Piras, Romano |
Regional growth with spatial dependence : a case study on early Italian industrialization
2017 |
Ciccarelli, Carlo |
Changes in the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods : analysis of household's response and asymmetric preference structures
2017 |
Ibraimović, Tatjana |
What drives heterogeneity in the resilience of trade : firm-specific versus regional characteristics
2017 |
Berg, Marcel van den |
Optimal time for implementing cordon toll pricing scheme in a monocentric city
2017 |
Li, Zhi-chun |
Firm location and monopolistic competition
2017 |
Ago, Takanori |
Heterogeneous economic resilience and the great recession's world trade collapse
2017 |
Bergeijk, Peter A. G. van |
Creative service industries and regional productivity
2017 |
Boix-Domenech, Rafael |
Highways and industrial development in the peripheral regions of China
2017 |
Xu, Hangtian |
Race to the top in traffic calming
2017 |
Proost, Stef |
Immigration and location choices of native-born workers in Canada
2017 |
Aydede, Yigit |
Determination of neighbourhood housing amenities : asymmetric effects of consumers' choices and multiple equilibria
2017 |
Takahashi, Takaaki |
SAM updating using multi-objective optimization techniques
2017 |
Manrique-de-Lara-Peñate, Casiano A. |