Energy taxation and exemptions for industry
2000 |
Ekins, Paul |
Financing environmental taxes : a source of revenue for environmental protection
2000 |
Määttä, Kalle |
Methodology and experience with cost-benefit analysis for environmental policy
1999 |
VanHumbeeck, Peter |
In defence of the strong sustainability approach to national income accounting
1999 |
Lawn, Philip A. |
Issues on European environmental taxation
1997 |
Rosembuj, Tulio |
Environmental taxation versus tradeable permits : public finance, accounting and related aspects
1997 |
Tisdell, Clement A. |
Environmental tax subsidies in the United States : examples of water quality and conservation programs
1997 |
Lockhart, Julie A. |
Environmental policy and fiscal policy in the community : the challenge of national eco-taxes ; the Belgian case
1997 |
Criscuolo, Alberta |
The role of network setting in exploring the feasibility of a substantial energy tax-subsidy scheme
1997 |
Ligteringen, Josee |
The use of taxes to achieve environmental goals in Britain
1997 |
Rowan-Robinson, Jeremy |
Taxation of energy products : restructuring of the community framework ; editorial
1997 |
Environmental policy and fiscal policy in the community : the challenge of national eco-taxes ; the Belgian case
1997 |
Criscuolo, Alberta |
Ecological tax reform in Australia : using taxes, charges and public spending to protect the environment without harming the economy
1997 |
Hamilton, Clive |
Audit requirements towards waste declarations in Belgium
1997 |
DeKlerck, Bruno |
State aid for environmental protection : has the EC shut the door?
1997 |
Calster, Geert van |
Ecological tax reform in Australia : using taxes, charges and public spending to protect the environment without harming the economy
1997 |
Hamilton, Clive |
Natural resources and national accounting
1996 |
Serafy, Salah el |
Environmental accounting for decision-making
1996 |
Hamilton, Kirk |
Environmental and resource accounting at Statistics Canada
1996 |
Smith, Robert |
Obstacles to eco-nomic tax reform in Europe
1996 |
Gee, David |