Energy independence or interdependence? : Integrating the North American energy market
2002 |
Nivola, Pietro S. |
Whistling in the world? : Toward a realistic pursuit of renewable energy
2002 |
Darmstadter, Joel |
International oil security : problems and policies
2002 |
Toman, Michael A. |
Russia : the 21st century's energy superpower?
2002 |
Hill, Fiona |
The Persian Gulf : understanding the American oil strategy
2002 |
Telhami, Shibley |
The centenarian boom : providing for retirement in a long-lived America
2000 |
Aaron, Henry J. |
American federalism : half-full or half-empty?
2000 |
Derthick, Martha |
Demand for density? : The functions of the city in the 21st century
2000 |
Glaeser, Edward L. |
Broken promises : what the federal government can do to improve American education
2000 |
Loveless, Tom |
"A surplus, if we can keep it" : how the Federal budget surplus happened
2000 |
Schick, Allen |
The "globalization" challenge : the US role in shaping world trade and investment
2000 |
Litan, Robert E. |
Many strategies, one goal : helping the Americans left behind
2000 |
Sawhill, Isabel V. |
New trend in unemployment? : The high-pressure US labor market of the 1990s
1999 |
Katz, Lawrence F. |
You can't get there from here: government failure in US transportation
1999 |
Winston, Clifford |
Downsized & out? : Job security and American workers
1999 |
Schultze, Charles L. |
A way out: school choice and educational opportunity
1999 |
Viteritti, Joseph P. |
Should we retire social security? : Grading the reform plans
1999 |
Aaron, Henry J. |
Defense and foreign policy : the budget cuts are going too far
1999 |
O'Hanlon, Michael |
Trade policy at a crossroads : an approach for 1999 - and beyond
1999 |
Destler, I. M. |
Growing American inequality : sources and remedies
1999 |
Burtless, Gary |