Implications of raising the nonfat solids standards for beverage milk
1992 |
Salathe, Larry Ernest |
An optimal control framework for inter-regional dairy policy analysis
1992 |
Tanjuakio, Rudolfo V. |
Production relationships in South Central agriculture
1992 |
Polson, Rudolph A. |
Supply and demand for married female labor : rural and urban differences in the Southern United States
1992 |
Alwang, Jeffrey R. |
The effects of changes in federal income and social security taxes on farmers
1992 |
Compson, Michael L. |
Import demands for US fresh grapefruit : effect of US promotion programs and trade policies of importing nations
1992 |
Fuller, Stephen W. |
Non-tariff measures and industrial nation imports of agricultural products
1992 |
Clark, Don Philip |
Livestock futures markets and rational price formation : evidence for live cattle and live hogs
1992 |
Koontz, Stephen R. |
Quasi-experimental designs for measuring impacts of developmental highways in rural areas
1992 |
Broder, Josef M. |
Estimates of government intervention levels in US peanut markets
1992 |
Miller, Bill R. |
Why do farmers forward contract in factor markets?
1992 |
Haydu, John J. |
The proposed United States- Mexico-Canada North American Free Trade Agreement : the Mexican perspective
1992 |
Segarra, Eduardo |
The food distribution industry : untapped clientele for agricultural economists
1992 |
Capps, Oral |
The political economy of agricultural trade negotiations on the Uruguay Round of MTN : can the US and European Community reach an acceptable compromise in the GATT?
1992 |
Ames, Glenn C. W. |
Measuring use value from recreation participation
1992 |
Whitehead, John C. |
The adequacy of trucking service supplies for produce : trends in the 1980s
1992 |
Beilock, Richard P. |
Estimating the benefits of groundwater contamination control
1992 |
Sun, Henglun |
Forecasting cattle prices in the presence of structural change
1992 |
Goodwin, Barry K. |
Microeconomic effects of reduced yield variability cultivars of soybeans and wheat
1992 |
Dillon, Carl R. |
Conceptual underpinnings of policy analysis for rural development
1992 |
Deaton, Brady J. |