Benchmarking the productive efficiency of US banks
2000 |
Siems, Thomas F. |
How might financial institutions react to Glass-Steagall repeal? : Evidence from the stock market
2000 |
Ely, David P. |
Managing cross-border settlement risk : the case of Mexican ADRs
2000 |
Chakravorti, Sujit |
Concentration, technology, and market power in banking : is distance dead?
2000 |
Moore, Robert Richard |
Government guarantees and banking : evidence from the Mexican peso crisis
1997 |
Moore, Robert Richard |
Rethinking bank efficiency and regulation : how off-balance-sheet activities make a difference
1997 |
Siems, Thomas F. |
Mexican payments system reforms
1997 |
Chakravorti, Sujit |
Are capital requirements effective? : A cautionary tale from pre-depression Texas
1997 |
Gunther, Jeffery W. |
Banking's merger fervor : survival of the fittest?
1996 |
Moore, Robert Richard |
Bank consolidation: when less means more
1996 |
Gunther, Jeffery W. |
Does greater mortgage activity lead to greater interest rate risk? : Evidence from bank holding companies
1996 |
Robinson, Kenneth J. |
Bank mergers and shareholder wealth : evidence from 1995's megamerger deals
1996 |
Siems, Thomas F. |
Interesting times for banks since Basle
1995 |
Robinson, Kenneth J. |
Does geographic liberalization really hurt small banks?
1995 |
Moore, Robert Richard |
Who's capitalizing on derivatives?
1995 |
Gunther, Jeffery W. |
Financial derivatives : are new regulations warranted?
1994 |
Siems, Thomas F. |
When are failing banks closed?
1994 |
Cole, Rebel A. |
Have small banks been caught off-balance?
1994 |
Moore, Robert Richard |
What determines businesses' borrowing from banks?
1994 |
Hooks, Linda M. |
The government budget deficit and the banking system : the case of Mexico
1993 |
Moore, Robert Richard |