A comparison of current and annual measures of income in the British household panel survey
2006 |
Böheim, René |
Measuring the disclosure protection of micro aggregated business microdata : an analysis taking as an example the German structure of costs survey
2006 |
Lenz, Rainer |
How the United States measures well-being in household surveys
2006 |
Weinberg, Daniel H. |
Ethics, confidentiality, and data dissemination
2006 |
Habermann, Hermann |
The effectiveness of a supranational statistical office : pluses, minuses, and challenges viewed from the outside
2005 |
Fellegi, Ivan P. |
Some recent developments and directions in seasonal adjustment
2005 |
Findley, David F. |
PRIMA : a new multiple imputation procedure for binary variables
2005 |
Münnich, Ralf T. |
Nonresponse in time : a time series analysis of the Finnish labour force survey
2004 |
Djerf, Kari |
Rebasing, common cycles, and some practical implications of modelling data revisions
2004 |
Patterson, K. D. |
Underpinning the e-business framework : defining e-business concepts and classifying e-business indicators
2004 |
Graaf, Xander J. de |
Towards a social statistical database and unified estimates at Statistics Netherlands
2004 |
Houbiers, Marianne |
Revisions to official data on US GNP : a multivariate assessment of different vintages
2004 |
Patterson, K. D. |
Borrowing strength is not the best technique within a wide class of design-consistent domain estimators
2004 |
Estevao, Victor M. |
Confidence intervals for proportions estimated from complex sample designs
2004 |
Gray, Alistair |
Reporting sources of error in US Federal Government surveys
2003 |
Kasprzyk, Daniel |
Quality management using ISO 9000 for price indices in the UK
2003 |
Fenwick, David |
The eleventh Morris Hansen Lecture, information and statistical data : a distinction with a difference
2003 |
Bradburn, Norman M. |
Estimating census undercount by demographic analysis : new approaches to the emigrant component
2003 |
Redfern, Philip |
The evolution and development of agricultural statistics at the United States Department of Agriculture
1995 |
Vogel, Frederic A. |
Decentralised CATI versus paper and pencil interviewing : effects on the results in the Swedish labour force surveys
1994 |