The choice of regulatory instruments in environmental policy
1999 |
Keohane, Nathaniel O. |
Regulatory costs of mythic proportions
1999 |
Heinzerling, Lisa |
Coming to the nuisance or going to the barrios? : A longitudinal analysis of environmental justice claims
1998 |
Been, Vicki |
On the law of biodiversity and ecosystem management
1998 |
Houck, Oliver A. |
The ghost of Lochner : modern takings doctrine and its impact on economic legislation
1998 |
MacUsic, Molly |
Revitalizing environmental federalism
1998 |
Esty, Daniel C. |
The societal cost of environmental regulation : beyond administrative cost-benefit analysis
1998 |
Driesen, David M. |
Parody lost pragmatism regained : the ironic history of the coase theorem
1998 |
Farber, Daniel A. |
The shadow of The cathedral
1998 |
Rose, Carol M. |
The Endangered Species Act : a case study in takings & incentives
1998 |
Thompson, Barton H. |
Federalism and interstate environmental externalities
1998 |
Revesz, Richard L. |
An egalitarian's market : the economics of inclusionary zoning reclaimed
1998 |
Dietderich, Andrew G. |
Consorting with forests : rethinking our relationship to natural resources and how we should value their loss
1997 |
Baker, Katharine K. |
Property rules and liability rules : the cathedral in another light
1997 |
Krier, James E. |
An economic analysis of trade measures to protect the global environment
1996 |
Chang, Howard F. |
What to do about biodiversity : property rights, public goods, and the earth's biological riches
1996 |
Stone, Christopher D. |
The revenge of the redwoods? : Reconsidering property rights and the economic allocation of natural resources
1995 |
Levy, Daniel S. |
An environmental critique of adverse possession
1995 |
Sprankling, John G. |
Urban housing : a strategic role for the states
1995 |
Salsich, Peter W. |
Ownership and ecology
1995 |
Freyfogle, Eric T. |