Effect on feedgrains of China's rising demand for livestock products
1993 |
Crompton, Paul L. |
The US export enhancement program and the Australian wheat industry
1993 |
Roberts, Ivan Mead |
'Joint implementation' and Australia's greenhouse policy agenda
1993 |
Stuart, Roger |
Potential EC membership for Eastern European countries : effects on agricultural markets
1993 |
Roberts, Ivan Mead |
Prospects for Australian commodities
1993 |
Fisher, Brian S. |
Australian iron ore trade with Japan : factors affecting market share
1993 |
Chang, Hui-shung Christie |
World market impacts of EC restraints on cropland and livestock density
1993 |
Hester, Susan |
Electric arc furnace technology and its impact on iron ore and coal use
1993 |
Gooday, Peter |
US environmental policies : implications for agricultural trade
1993 |
Parris, Kevin |
Liberalising primary commodity trade in the APEC region
1993 |
Phillips, Brian |
Japan's agriculture and environmental policies : time to change
1993 |
Parris, Kevin |
Will "no regrets" energy policy options reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
1993 |
Treadwell, Rhonda |
Implications for world steel trade of a multilateral steel agreement
1993 |
Rodriguez, Gil R. |
Competition and trade in Australian natural gas markets
1993 |
Holmes, Leanne |
Prospects for growth in Vietnam : implications for Australia
1993 |
Brummitt, William |
Indonesian coal export potential
1993 |
Millsteed, Charles |
Pulverised coal injection and coal demand : a focus on Japan
1992 |
Dwyer, Gavan M. |
Economic aspects of conserving biological diversity
1992 |
Rose, Roger |
Greenhouse policies and the Australian aluminium industry
1992 |
Neck, Moston |
World fertiliser market developments and Australian agriculture
1992 |
Knopke, Philip |