A special issue on "Working out of poverty" |
2024 |
Anno 132, 2 (Aprile-Giugno 2024) |
A special issue on "Economic and social exclusion and the NEETs" |
2023 |
Anno 131, 3 (Luglio-Settembre 2023) |
A special issue in honor of Gerd Weinrich |
2023 |
Anno 131, 1 (Gennaio-Marzo 2023) |
A special issue on "Economics and disability" |
2022 |
Anno 130, 2 (Aprile-Giugno 2022) |
A special issue on Italian regions |
2021 |
Anno 129, 2 (Aprile-Giugno 2021) |
A special issue on "The Economy of Francesco" |
2021 |
Anno 129, 4 (Ottobre-Dicembre 2021) |
A special issue on common good |
2020 |
Anno 128, 4 (Ottobre-Dicembre 2020) |
Special issue on "Health and economics" |
2016 |
Anno 124, 3-4 (Luglio-Dicembre 2016) |
Special issue on "GDP and the quality of life" |
2015 |
123.2015,1 |
Special issue on "Classical political economy and the social doctrine of the church : the teaching of Maurice Potron sj (1872 - 1942) in the wake of the Rerum Novarum" |
2014 |
122.2014,2 |
Special issue on "A new economics for a new society : post-war reconstruction and development in the RISS (1945 - 1955)" |
2013 |
121.2013,3/4 |
Special issue on Employment opportunities and unemployment over the economic downturn |
2013 |
121.2013,1 |
Special issue on the economic crisis |
2011 |
119.2011,1 |
Special issue on Italian economists and the Great Depression : the journal Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali (1929 - 1940) |
2011 |
119.2011,3/4 |
Special issue on "investing in our young people" |
2010 |
117.2009,3/4 |
Special issue on rational beliefs theory |
2008 |
115.2007,3 |