Inequality of opportunity in Indian children : the case of immunization and nutrition
2011 |
Singh, Ashish |
Evaluating population forecast accurancy : a regression approach using county data
2011 |
Tayman, Jeff |
From rags to riches? : immigration and poverty in Spain
2011 |
Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente, Rafael |
Circular and repeat migration : counts of exits and years away from the host country
2011 |
Constant, Amelie |
How do recent population trends matter to climate change?
2011 |
Leiwen, Jiang |
Individual and contextual correlates of economic difficulties in old age in Europe
2010 |
Vignoli, Daniele |
External shocks, household consumption and fertility in Indonesia
2010 |
Jungho Kim |
The impact of the earned income tax credit on economic well-being : a comparison across household types
2010 |
Simpson, Nicole B. |
Rural-urban migration and cross-national variation in infant mortality in less developed countries
2010 |
Omariba, D. Walter Rasugu |
Labour underutilisation and gender : unemployment versus hidden-unemployment
2010 |
Baum, Scott |
Measuring interprovincial flows of human capital in China : 1995- 2000
2009 |
Fan, Lida |
Social change and the relationships between education and employment
2009 |
Yabiku, Scott T. |
The parental leave benefit reform in Germany : costs and labour market outcomes of moving towards the Nordic model
2008 |
Spieß, C. Katharina |
Hispanic immigrant poverty : does ethnic origin matter?
2008 |
Sullivan, Dennis Hal |
Cohort succession in the US housing market : new houses, the baby boom, and income stratification
2008 |
Dwyer, Rachel E. |
First exits from the Swedish labor market due to disability
2008 |
Andrén, Daniela |
Evaluating evidence of discrimination in multiethnic housing markets
2008 |
Clark, William A. V. |
The place of place : location and immigrant economic well-being in Canada
2008 |
Haan, Michael |
Labor Migration, remittances and economic well-being of households in the Philippines
2008 |
Semyonov, Moshe |
Replacement migration revisited : simulations of the effects of selected population and labor market strategies for the aging Europe, 2002 - 2052
2008 |
Bijak, Jakub |