Bundling, entry deterrence, and specialist innovators
2006 |
Choi, Jay Pil |
The relationship between the value effect and industry affiliation
2006 |
Banko, John C. |
Changes in institutional ownership and stock returns : assessment and methodology
2006 |
Sias, Richard W. |
Multifactor efficiency and Bayesian inference
2006 |
Cremers, K. J. Martijn |
Monitoring the monitors : the corporate governance in Japanese banks and their real estate lending in the 1980s
2006 |
Dinç, I. Serdar |
Capital structure and interaction among firms in output markets : theory and evidence
2006 |
Lyandres, Evgeny |
The impact of ATM surcharges on large versus small banks : is there a switching effect?
2006 |
Massoud, Nadia |
How important is intertemporal risk for asset allocation?
2006 |
Gérard, Bruno |
Risk and valuation under an intertemporal capital asset pricing model
2006 |
Brennan, Michael J. |
Sharpe and Treynor ratios on treasury bonds
2006 |
Pilotte, Eugene A. |
The subjective and objective evaluation of incentive stock options
2006 |
Ingersoll, Jonathan E. |
Predictability in emerging sovereign debt markets
2006 |
Jostova, Gergana |
Irreversible investment under interest rate variability : some generalizations
2006 |
Alvarez, Luis H. R. |
Hybrid mutual funds and market timing performance
2006 |
Comer, George |
On the patterns and wealth effects on vertical mergers
2006 |
Fan, Joseph P. H. |
The determinants of venture capital portfolio size : empirical evidence
2006 |
Cumming, Douglas J. |
The role of asymmetries and regime shifts in the term structure of interest rates
2006 |
Capital asset prices with heterogenous beliefs
2006 |
Levy, Haim |
Should banks be diversified? : Evidence from individual bank loan portfolios
2006 |
Acharya, Viral V. |
Selective hedging, information asymmetry, and futures prices
2006 |
Knill, April M. |