Strengths and weaknesses of the statistical framework for the single monetary policy
2000 |
Stubbe, Michel M. |
The first pillar of the single monetary policy and its economic underpinning : long-term money demand in the euro-area
2000 |
Bruggeman, Annick |
De basisherfinancieringstransacties van het Eurosysteem : doelstellingen en eerste ervaringen
2000 |
DeKoker, Eddy |
An evaluation of eurolands's money market after one year
2000 |
VanDijcke, Peter |
Asymmetries in the transmission of monetary policy in the EMU : evidence of the bank lending channel in Belgium
2000 |
Degryse, Hans |
Corporate control in Belgium
2000 |
Chapelle, Ariane |
La réaction des marchés belge et français à l'annonce d'un rachat d'actions propres
2000 |
Bastin, Véronique |
Le taux annuel effectif global et les intérêts de retard dans les ouvertures de crédit : quelle protection pour le consommateur?
2000 |
VanDenHaute, Erik |
Zijn betaalmiddelen publieke goederen? : Over tarifering en overheidsinterventie
2000 |
Van Hove, Leo |
Het rendement van financie͏̈le beleggingen in Belgie͏̈ (1950 - 1999)
2000 |
VanPoppel, Charles |
Methodological issues & advances in mutual-fund performance evaluation
2000 |
Sercu, Piet |
Efficiency & structural issues in European banking
2000 |
Casu, Barbara |
Efficiency and technical change in Europe's savings banks industry
2000 |
Carbó Valverde, Santiago |
The eurosystem and financial stability
2000 |
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso |
La réforme du ratio Cooke : l'avancée des travaux
2000 |
Chapelle, Ariane |
Some critical reflections on the ECB, with reference to the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve
2000 |
Guffens, Dieter |
Financial relations in the eurosystem : excess foreign exchange reserves and overcapitalisation
2000 |
Gros, Daniel |
Interest rate spreads on government bonds before and after EMU
2000 |
Donnay, Marie |
The transmission of monetary policy in the euro-area
2000 |
Peersman, Gert |
Cyclical convergence or differentiation? : Insights from the first year of EMU
2000 |
Buti, Marco |