The European Community and 1992: the EC literature on the single market
1992 |
MacElroy, Neil J. |
Government publishing in the Third World : a bibliography of works about official publishing in developing countries
1992 |
Hallewell, Laurence |
The privatizing of government information : economic considerations
1989 |
Kent, Calvin A. |
The economic report of the President: an analysis
1989 |
Richey, Debora |
Canada's trade policy : a guide to basic materials
1989 |
Ferley, Margaret |
United States economic indicators : definitions, sources, and resources
1988 |
Stratford, Jean S. |
Are the Armenians really Russians? Or how the US Census Bureau classifies America's ethnic groups
1987 |
Magocsi, Paul R. |
On site indexing of 1980 US Census of Population and Housing
1987 |
Herman, Edward |
Bernard M. Fry Festschrift : special issue of Government publ. review
1986 |
A brief history of the growth of federal government records, archives, and information : 1989 - 1985
1986 |
Bradsher, James G. |
Automating search and retrieval of patents in the US patent and trademark office
1986 |
Thieme, Bill |
The TIGER system : automating the geograph. structure of the United States Census
1986 |
Marx, Robert W. |
Undergraduate use of government documents in the social sciences
1986 |
Nolan, Christopher W. |
A mystery tour through the lumber room : United States Census publ., 1820 - 1939, a descriptive essay
1986 |
Fagan, Michele |
Circulation of federal documents in academic depository libraries
1976 |
Yannarella, Philip A. |
Report : workshop on Australian Government Publications
1976 |
Miller, Ann E. |
British official publications : a teacher's view
1976 |
Drewry, Gavin |
University faculty and federal documents : use patterns
1976 |
Hernon, Peter |
British statistical information
1976 |
Westfall, Gloria |
Distribution of intergovernmental depository collections among libraries in the United States
1976 |
Kohler, Carolyn |